Past Intern Testimonials

Below are some testimonials from our motivated, driven, and hardworking Mezz Team.

Being the first intern in the United States as an international student, I honestly felt a lot of pressure. For example, as a social media intern, watching funny American videos did not make me laugh! Due to the cultural differences, I couldn’t understand it. Initially, I faced challenging moments due to the language and cultural barriers, and I wondered if I was not qualified for the position.

However, I made efforts to overcome these challenges by constantly communicating closely with senior managers and CEO Roanne. I sought feedback continuously, presented new ideas, and gradually grew. As the internship approached its end, I successfully concluded it with the nickname ‘LinkedIn Queen.’ At Mezz, you can learn and grow as much as you move. Colleagues who love music right next to you are an important network for possibly meeting again in the music industry. Reach out and approach them at least once. If you have concerns during work, ask questions constantly to experienced senior managers and seek help. You might get unexpected solutions. If you have any questions about the music industry, gather the courage to ask Roanne, who has extensive professional experience.

If you make the most of your precious time at Mezz, it could become a crucial stepping stone for your future career. Even as a foreigner who couldn’t laugh at funny videos, I made it. If your English is fluent and you grew up in the United States, you are undoubtedly starting from a more advanced position than me. I wish you success in securing the crucial first button in the music industry at Mezz!

-Chase Karng, Social Media Intern, Fall 2023

My internship with Mezz Entertainment was a very valuable learning experience. As a PR intern, my two interests of entertainment and communication were combined. The guest speakers and documentaries we watched made me realize how dedicated you have to be to succeed in this field, but at the same time it solidified the fact that I want to continue in entertainment. Every intern at Mezz brings value to this company, and you come out of this experience with first hand experience about the music industry and its dynamics.

Paige Balliet, Artist Management & Promotions Intern, Spring 2023

Working at Mezz Entertainment as a social media intern has been one of the best experiences of my life. I have developed my social media marketing skills and strategy techniques greatly and I couldn’t have done it without my team. The meetings are always fun, informative, and efficient. I owe our CEO for the opportunities she has given me.

 –Natalie Ritchie, Social Media Intern, Spring 2023

Interning at Mezz Entertainment in the Spring of 2023 will always be one of my favorite memories I’ll reflect on. Through this experience, I got to meet the most amazing people from all around the world who not only have the same passion as I do for the music industry but who have worked in the industry for over a decade. I learned that to be successful in such a competitive and fast-paced industry requires excellent communication, consistency, and working as a team. Through Mezz, I was presented with many opportunities that opened so many doors, and can’t express enough how grateful I am for Mezz and everyone who works there! 

Kelley Davis, Social Media Intern, Spring 2023- Summer 2023

I have always had a passion to work in the music industry and Mezz allowed me to start my journey within the industry. In the Fall of 2022, I had the opportunity to work as an Artist Management/Pitch Intern at Mezz. My time at Mezz provided me with real-life experience and insight into the music industry that I hadn’t been prone to before. Listening in on meetings, speaking with guest speakers, and getting to know my team was such an awesome way to build connections. I have grown as a leader from my time at Mezz. I was able to be myself on meetings and the Mezz team made me feel as though I had a family away from home. I am excited to utilize what I’ve learned at Mezz in my future endeavors as I continue on my journey in the music industry.

-Lauren Pearl, Artist Management & Promotions Intern, Fall 2022 

Interning at Mezz Entertainment this past summer was an amazing learning opportunity and a great way to kickstart my career in the music industry. Not only did the hands-on aspect of Mezz help me build industry experience, I also met several other interns with similar aspirations as mine and I believe I’ve built connections that will last a lifelong. At Mezz, I truly felt like I was contributing to the company and its goals. Working with and getting to know everyone on the team was an incredible and valuable experience that I will carry with me onto future endeavors.

-Anna Maitland, Artist Management & Promotions Intern, Summer 2022

Interning for Mezz not only gave me a network of people hungry to work in the industry, but it also provided a healthy space for collaboration and contribution across several different projects. I loved how interns had the freedom to work on the areas of the business that they were most interested in and approach their assignments the way they wanted to. 

Vicente Lopez, Artist Management & Promotions Intern, Spring 2022

My time at Mezz was very beneficial in advancing my knowledge in digital media. I learned that making connections with the people you work with makes for a great work environment. Roanne allowed all of her interns to experiment with different interests, and find out what they are good at. She also brought in incredible guest speakers, allowing us to build a list of connections. This internship is great for people who want to come in and work, and learn from true experience.

Lea Koppermann, Digital Intern, Spring 2022

My internship at Mezz was more impactful than I could ever imagine. It was my first position in the music industry and I was able to be a part of a team that operates at a very high level. I am a true believer that the best way to learn is through experience. Fully immersing yourself into a passion and not looking back. Those are the values that Mezz Entertainment implements into its program. I not only felt trusted and significant, but I felt that each member on the team was given opportunities to grow and achieve throughout the semester. The chance to represent this company in its business calls, social media platforms, and at its in-person events has given me confidence in my own endeavors. I now serve on the executive board for my university’s student run annual music festival, and I employ the qualities I was taught to embrace at Mezz (consistency, determination, communication) to excel in that organization. I would be lucky to have the opportunity to go back and work for Mezz again one day in the future.

– Sofia Moussan, Social Media Intern, Summer 2021

This past summer, I worked with the digital and social media teams at Mezz Entertainment. I created digital assets for artists and collaborated with the social media team to brainstorm content ideas for TikTok and Instagram. I also got out of my comfort zone and helped pitch artists to clubs! I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to dabble in different sectors of the music industry through Mezz. Even though the internship was remote, our team meetings were very interactive. Roanne Mesirow (CEO of Mezz) encouraged us to speak with one another outside of team meetings, where I created meaningful bonds with other individuals, which made it easier to communicate come time to produce work. It was nice to be involved in two different teams because I was able to gain well-rounded knowledge of factors that contribute to an artist’s success. I’m very happy to have worked at Mezz Entertainment, as it has helped me develop a better understanding of the music industry, as well as life skills like communication. I look forward to utilizing the skills I’ve learned from Mezz as I continue exploring my passions within the music industry.

– Andre Pak, Digital Intern, Summer 2021

I’m so grateful for my time at Mezz and all the opportunities that I was presented with during my internship. I got hands-on experience working with clients on a daily basis and learning how to effectively brand them and Mezz Entertainment on social media. While working with the social media team, we learned so much about engaging followers, promoting the company, and working as a group. Even though the internship was remote, I never felt disconnected from the entire team due to our constant communication, which was encouraged by Roanne. Through our team meetings, we talked about how to work and make connections in the entertainment industry while learning valuable lessons that would help us in our careers. I am very grateful for my time at Mezz Entertainment because of the one-of-a-kind experience I received, all of the things I learned about the entertainment industry, and the welcoming environment that Mezz provided.

-Kelly Bench, Social Media Intern, Summer 2021

My time at Mezz Entertainment was very valuable and a great learning experience! I wanted to be at Mezz because I wanted to learn about the relationship between an artist management company and the artists. It was great to hear updates during team meetings on what was going on with the social and digital team. Getting to hear the team talk about different strategies to increase visibility and to reach a larger audience was very useful. During my time I learned how to research and discover brands and blogs that would be a good fit for our clients. I was taught by Mezz how to communicate professionally with these companies and the appropriate way to follow up with them. I also really enjoyed watching motivational videos and documentaries about music industry legends because they were really inspiring and gave a lot of good advice that will stay with me forever!

-Julien Crowe, Artist Management & Promotions Intern, Summer 2021

In my time at Mezz Entertainment, I learned the importance of having a strong team around you. I also learned that success is sweeter when you are a part of a team that is working towards the same goal.

Chuck Higgins, Artist Management Intern, Summer 2021

Mezz has taught me so much about the music industry and has brought me new social media knowledge and I can’t wait to take these newfound skills into my future! This internship program was super beneficial for me in how the real world works and I’m so thankful to have gotten to work with Mezz this past summer.

-Claudia Wyzrkowski, Social Media Intern, Summer 2021

One of the most important things I took from my time at MEZZ is that you learn the most by doing. My experience was full of challenges and experiences that helped me gain many technical skills and learn many life lessons. Lastly, one of my favorite parts about this internship was being surrounded by people who had so much passion and it was really inspiring to watch them grow, which helped me and my work improve

-Elsa Taylor, Digital Intern, Spring 2021-Summer 2021

My opportunity to intern at Mezz Entertainment came to me when my journey in the entertainment industry first began. With no actual interning experience beforehand, working at Mezz truly shaped the work ethic and business mindset that I now have moving forward in my professional career. My time at Mezz allowed me to develop how I assert myself and achieve goals in my current professional work and instilled in me the hustler mentality to thrive in such a fast-paced industry. Being able to work alongside other talented interns, and Roanne herself, in day-to-day processes that I saw the direct result of has inspired me to challenge myself and where I see myself going in the future. I loved working in such a tight-knit environment, where honest conversation was welcomed and even encouraged. I genuinely have Mezz to thank for making me the hardworking and diligent professional I am today, and I am grateful to have started my career in entertainment with Roanne and our team.

-Tamera James, Artist Management & Promotions Intern, Spring 2021

Mezz was a great way for me to be exposed to a lot of parts of the music industry at once! I learned the ins and outs of developing artists and how to directly work with them to help them grow.

-Elizabeth Moshkevich, Social Media Intern, Summer 2020-Fall 2020

My time interning for Mezz Entertainment has immensely prepared me for my professional life.
Not only by doing real work for their clients but through the connections I have made by working
with a wonderful team. Going into this internship I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I have gained
valuable knowledge that will help me navigate through future career endeavors. I learned that
To be successful, you must work hard and have consistency, especially in a fast-paced industry
such as this one. I am incredibly grateful for my experience at Mezz!

Olivia Greer, Artist Management & Promotions Intern, Fall 2023-Spring 2024

The team at Mezz Entertainment is truly passionate about what they do and it shows in their work. During my time there, I was given the opportunity to work on a variety of projects and tasks, which allowed me to gain hands-on experience in the entertainment management industry. I was able to learn about artist management, event planning, and marketing strategies. In addition, I had a wonderful time creating assets for their social media platforms. I very much enjoyed my fellow interns and critiques of each other’s work; they were all so inspiring! The staff at Mezz Entertainment were incredibly supportive and always willing to answer any questions I had. They provided me with guidance and feedback, which helped me to grow both personally and professionally. Overall, my time at Mezz Entertainment was an incredible learning experience and I am grateful for the opportunity. I would highly recommend this internship to anyone who is interested in pursuing a career in the entertainment management industry.

Alessia Cadolini, Digital Media Intern, Spring 2023

My internship with mezz has been life-changing. Going into the internship I didn’t know what to expect, and if anything I would get experience in the industry I want to work in. Not only have I gotten experience in this industry, but I have made connections with people from all over the world who have the same passions as me. In our meetings, I have learned so much from our fearless leader about grit and passion, to speaking your mind. In meetings, I’ve had the opportunity to hear from speakers in this industry and network with leaders I idolize. Through this internship I have done more than just get my foot in the door. I am now in the house.

-Allie Barton, Social Media Intern, Spring 2023- Fall 2023

Something I thought made Mezz different was the way that they encouraged us to talk to one another, meet each other, and make friends with other interns. It felt like a community in that sense, and I always appreciated that. As a digital intern, I really did love the creative freedom we had – and I felt challenged to expand my craft in the ways that called. You also get to check out some of the events in real life, so that’s always a cool plus. Thanks for being so welcoming, friendly, and willing to communicate with us.

Jesmyn Ji, Digital Media Intern, Spring 2023 

In wrapping up my time with Mezz, I took the opportunity to reflect on the past year. The amount of growth, both personally and professionally, that has taken place in a matter of months is insurmountable. A year ago, I had absolutely no idea what my future held and how I was going to navigate it. Today, I embrace that uncertainty with the utmost confidence, knowing that I am capable and worthy of being in one of the most daunting industries there is.

As someone who entered this internship having little to no experience or connections, riddled with anxiety and imposter syndrome, to be leaving as someone unrecognizable is the ultimate pay off. I am now someone who is able to network, travel, and share my voice in a setting I was once convinced I would never be in.

What Roanne has built is truly special. The encouraging and flexible atmosphere of Mezz allowed me to experiment in various departments, where I was able to work collaboratively and efficiently with team members to create and deliver meaningful work. I quickly mastered diving into any task head first, willing to commit, learn, and exceed expectations.

Mezz enabled me to flourish, providing me with new skills and helped me to recognize my own potential. I was exposed to so many different facets of the music industry, which fueled my passion even further, inspiring me to want to learn about them all. I am forever indebted to Roanne and all the amazing team members I had the absolute honor to work with and learn from.

-Amanda Macchia, Artist Management & Promotions Intern, Summer 2021-Summer 2022

My time at Mezz was incredibly rewarding. Having never had an internship before, I was not sure what to expect, but I truly feel that Mezz was the best introduction to the music business that I could have gotten. Aspiring to work in the music industry, I learned all of the basics through this job. The founder and CEO, Roanne, keeps all meetings fun and lighthearted while also providing the interns with valuable knowledge. As a member of the Artist Management Team, and also helping out on the Social Media Team, I learned skills in management, marketing, and outreach skills through sending pitches and managing a social media account for clients. Most importantly I gained many new interpersonal skills. The work environment was heavily based on creating relationships with your fellow interns, and I have come out with connections that I feel will be continued beyond Mezz. I know that I am leaving my time at Mezz with valuable knowledge to assist me in my professional career and personal life. I owe so much to Roanne and the incredible other interns, and I am forever grateful to have been a part of the Mezz team!

-Sophie Weinstein, Artist Management and Social Media Intern, Spring 2022

During my time at Mezz, I had the fantastic opportunity to collaborate with other students from around the country in my efforts to run social media accounts for clients. Mezz helped me meet tons of like-minded people, and for that I am grateful! Of course, my internship at Mezz also gave me ample opportunities to learn about the industry, how to market clients and music, and playlisting! I enjoyed my time at Mezz immensely and am incredibly thankful to have been given the opportunity!

– Nate Joyce, Social Media Intern, Summer 2021

Interning at Mezz was a valuable, one-of-a-kind experience. It provided me with many opportunities to enhance my skills as a digital creator, while working on real projects that our clients would see directly. A Mezz Internship was not a typical internship, which was a very good thing. I was given many project opportunities that had an immediate impact on the clients’ promotion. Unlike internships I’ve had in the past, Mezz thrust me into the everyday working environment of the music industry, and provided me with real experience that I have not received elsewhere.

-Dom Valenti, Digital Intern, Summer 2021

My name is Kathleen Marie Guerrero and this past summer I had both the honor and privilege of being an intern at Mezz Entertainment LLC. To say this Mezz team had a Mezz Effect on me would be an understatement. Coming back from the most grueling year the world has ever experienced, I struggled to find not only a job but a purpose for what I loved most…the arts. I feared I would never do nor love what I do again. Soon after these grueling thoughts came I received a call from Mezz Entertainment offering me a position on their internship team as an artistic manager. So with that I moved to New York with nothing but my luggage and a dream. A dream to recharge that fire that burned long ago. Quickly after experiencing the work environment I knew something specific floated in the air. Not only was every waking moment an amazing opportunity to learn but this internship was like any other. WE ACTUALLY WERE APART OF THE ACTION! We were a part of the deals, pitches, prompts, photo shoots, etc. Mezz Entertain gave me the chance to learn in the real life concrete jungle and realize I can make it here. Mezz Entertainment gave me the encouragement, drive, and inspiration to accept nothing short of extraordinary, Mezz Entertainment providing me with the tools and courage to go on to bigger and more beautiful things in my arts career, Mezz Entertainment provided me with family and friendships that will last for a lifetime, Mezz Entertainment gave me an incredible movie-experience I will never forget, and best of all Mezz Entertainment gifted me with a kick ass mentor that I thank god everyday for. And because of Mezz I am proud to say I am now the youngest graduate student at The University of Iowa where I will be pursuing an MFA in the arts. Thank you Mezz Entertainment for giving me the courage to be unfuckwithable.

– Kathleen Guerrero, Artist Management & Promotions Intern, Summer 2021

Mezz Entertainment was such a fun place to intern at. I learned so much from the team and from my experience there, as I was actively involved in the work they did. From writing pitches to brands and sitting in on calls to discuss brand partnerships, Mezz solidified my desire to pursue a career in the music industry.

– Kiara Marques, Artist Management & Promotions Intern, Spring 2021

I really enjoyed my time at Mezz. There were a lot of cool people, all the artists and Roanne. I learned a lot, and the experience is very inspiring. You got the chance to step out of your comfort zone and try new things.

-Lilly Zhou, Artist Management & Promotions Intern, Spring 2021

My name is Chen Hsueh Wei. I just graduated from the NYU music business master program in 2021. I had been both social media and digital intern at Mezz Entertainment for almost ten months since the 2020 fall. During the time, I had seen Mezz entertainment prospered and became better and better as an organization each semester. The internship duties at Mezz are impactful and real games with clients. It was not just random runs for coffee or cleaning in the office like what might be offered at some other internship program. By hands-on experience here, I was able to learn the technique for followers gaining on social media platforms and hone my skill in both photo and video editing. I believe that the program is suitable for students from the entry to the professional level in the music industry as Roanne, the CEO, and the founder, is an authentic figure and generous enough to take the interns grow hand in hand in the business.

Chen Hsueh Wei, NYU Foreign Exchange Student, Digital and Social Media Intern Fall 2020, Summer 2021-Fall 2021