Lil Nas X Comes Out On Final Day Of Pride

As you may know, June 30 is the official last day of world Pride month. Every year when June 30 comes around, it is a big deal especially in New York City. This year on Pride month’s final day Lil Nas X confirmed his sexuality by pointing attention a track off his new album.

On Lil Nas X track c7osure the lyrics he wanted fans to translate to what he says was obvious is, “Ain’t no more actin’, man that forecast say I should just let me grow”. These lyrics come up in the song multiple times and is his way of saying that he is not hiding anymore. Lil Nas X never said he was gay or gave any direct hints that he was until he went to Twitter to share the news.

To give more clues to his sexuality he tweeted the cover art to his new album that previously was released.

Afraid of the minor chaos this announcement might cause for fans, Lil Nas X lightened the mood with some jokes.

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A few celebrities have come forward to support Lil Nas X and we are doing the same.

Hope you had a fun Pride month? Are you already making plans for next year, because I know I am.

Post and Graphic by: Arianna Juliano (@ariannajuliano)