Harry Styles: In a League of His Own

There is no doubt that you’ve heard of Harry Styles: the acclaimed boy-band front man who’s solo career is quickly giving his heartthrob group of the early 2010s a run for their money. 

Styles debuted his solo career with his self-titled album, giving us the iconic single “Sign of the Times”. This song was a step in a different direction, but the right direction, for the singer to move away from One Direction. 

Harry Styles: Sign of the Times (2017)

Next came Harry’s sophomore album, Fine Line, a chart topper with beautiful hits like “Adore You”, “Watermelon Sugar”, and “Golden”. 

Fine Line (album) - Wikipedia

Most recently came Styles’ third studio-album release, Harry’s House. Highly anticipated, and bestowed onto the world to no disappointment from the icon’s beloved fans. 

The first single off the record, “As It Was”, dropped on April 1st of this year, premiering at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 songs chart. The summer jam continues to shatter records, tallying a fifth week atop the list. 

The Ukrainian Filmmaker Behind Harry Styles' New “As It Was” Video on  Shooting Her “Dream Project” During the Invasion | GQ

This single is not a one-off hit by Styles that is currently killing the music game, however. 

Harry’s House was released on May 20th, 2022. Balancing groovy with timely, and bouncy with romantic, Styles musically took a different angle than his first 2 records.  

Within the first day of its release, all tracks on the record held the top 10 spots on the US Spotify chart, remaining like this for 6 consecutive days. It was the fastest grossing album on the platform in the metrics of streams, and continues to absolutely demolish records on the charts, becoming the biggest debut and fastest selling album of 2022. 

As It Was - Single by Harry Styles | Spotify

Harry’s House has already won 23 awards making it the most decorated record of 2022 thus far. TIME Magazine even named it as one of the best albums of the year. 

Now I can rattle off stats until I’m blue in the face, but the question remains: what’s in this guy’s water? What makes his music so globally acclaimed? 

Not only is Harry a gifted musician who makes music that speaks directly to the soul, but he is a charismatic man of the people who advocates kindness, fairness, and the courage that allows one to be themself. His stage presence and interaction with crowds has reached the level of iconic. Most notably, though, is the use of his platform for good. Two of many examples include being an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, and donating to Everytown with the hopes of ending gun violence. 

Something's Up With Harry Styles's Vibe - The Atlantic

People are drawn to great music, but they are also drawn to the great people who create it. That’s why I believe that Harry Styles is in a league of his own. And the accolades of Harry’s House will not end anytime soon.

Works Cited 

Eiger, L. (n.d.). The Atlantic. photograph. Retrieved from https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2022/05/harry-styles-harrys-house-album-review/629933/.

Harry Styles: Sign of the Times (2017). (n.d.). IMDb. photograph. Retrieved from https://m.imdb.com/title/tt7308660/mediaviewer/rm4101447680.

Twitter. (n.d.). StatsHarry. Retrieved June 6, 2022, from https://twitter.com/statsharry 

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